Experimental Music Since 1970

Some months ago, Jennie Gottschalk’s wonderful Experimental Music Since 1970 was released. This book is—so far—the only resource of its kind, attempting to map out some of the conceptual orientations of the current field of experimental music. Jennie provides countless examples of unusual practices from around the world, and the writing is lush and descriptive.

I’m very pleased to be included! You can find some writing about my work on pages 216-217. Here’s a little quote about my work Made of my Mother’s Cravings:

In both recorded performances, there is an unusual quality of rawness. The players are participating in an oral, folkloric tradition without any sense of irony or fl ippancy. Each player is working hard to project something that is already internalized. The interaction among the players is not simply about execution, but about content, and about diff erences in perception between each of them.

Purchase the book here.


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