hhiiddenn vvoorrttiicceess

Piano, electronics, 5 Soundbrenner watches, 2 strobe lights, video



Created for Zubin Kanga as part of the Cyborg Soloists project


Simulated roller coaster velocities become metronomic pulsations passing through wireless connections to small vibrating watches cueing a pianist to press keys that hit hammers on strings… Swirling emotional currents snake through our subconscious, carrying the traces of voices, sometimes whispered, often thunderous: SOPHIE, Maurice Ravel and Anri Sala. Thank you to my collaborators: Zubin Kanga, Soundbrenner, holly+, Justin Focus, Jasper Sutherland and Tyler Marghetis.

More Info

blog post here: https://www.cyborgsoloists.com/news/roller-coaster-resonance

lecture here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRlbWIfqBjA



hhiiddeenn vvoorrttiiccess was created as part of the Cyborg Soloists project, in partnership with Soundbrenner.